Terms and conditions


Utshalo is a division of Ince (Pty) Limited, a juristic representative of Insurance Supermarket Insurance Brokers (Pty) Limited, registration number 2012/044142/07, an Authorised Financial Services Provider, FSP number 43986. Utshalo's physical address is 42 Wierda Rd West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2057 and contact details are: Telephone +27 11 305 7300; Email contact@utshalo.co.za.

Utshalo is authorised to provide the following Category I financial services – non-automated advice and other intermediary services for: Shares; Money Market Instruments; Bonds and Participatory Interests in Collective Investment Schemes. Utshalo provides only intermediary services to the issuers or sellers of securities, shares and financial products in the primary market. Utshalo acts exclusively for the issuer or seller of securities or financial products and is not responsible to any other person in connection with any offer, sale or placement. Utshalo is not an associate of any financial services product provider.

The information contained on this website, www.utshalo.co.za, is not advice as defined in the Financial Advice and Intermediary Services (FAIS) Act, neither is it a solicitation, invitation, or investment recommendation.

Utshalo is paid by the issuers or sellers of the relevant securities or financial products to be acquired by investors. Utshalo is transparent with respect to such payments. Ince (Pty) Limited may provide other services to issuers or sellers of securities, shares or financial products which are not directly related to the business of Utshalo.

All information, specific to an offer, sale or placement, and hosted on this website has been prepared by the issuer or seller, or by third parties appointed by the issuer or seller and is not prepared or authored by Utshalo. Utshalo is not responsible for the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information provided by issuers, sellers or other third parties. Utshalo will only host such information where the offer, sale or placement is regulated by the rules of one of South Africa's licensed stock exchanges, regulated under the Financial Markets Act.

Buying, selling, or investing in any security, share or financial product entails risk. The value of securities, shares and financial products can increase or decrease over time, depending on multiple factors including business performance and general market conditions. Investors should seek professional financial, legal and tax advice before making any investment decision.

At no stage does Utshalo hold investors, sellers or issuers' cash, shares, securities or financial products.

Utshalo will neither request nor induce in any manner an Issuer or Investor to waive any right or benefit conferred on the Issuer or Investor by or in terms of any provision of the General Code of Conduct, or recognise, accept or act on any such waiver by an Issuer or Investor.

You have a right to lodge a complaint if you feel your rights have been prejudiced or you are aggrieved in any way. Please do so in terms of Utshalo's Complaints Procedure.

Moonstone Compliance (Pty) Ltd is Utshalo's compliance officer and is represented by: Sharen Gerald. Moonstone Compliance can be contacted at: 25 Quantum Street, Technopark, Stellenbosch, 7613. Facsimile: +27 21 883 8005; Telephone: +27 21 883 8000. E-mail address: sgerald@moonstonecompliance.co.za; Website: www.moonstoneinfo.co.za

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