
Connecting you to opportunity

Institutional investors play an important role in providing savings products, retirement funds and other investment opportunities. They aggregate the money of individual savers and channel it into investments in insurance products, retirement funds and collective investment schemes.

Because institutional investors have become so dominant, they tend to monopolise access to new share issues, especially private placings and accelerated bookbuilds, and tend to overlook smaller companies entirely.

This leaves the individual investor – those who want to invest directly in new primary capital raisings, such as initial public offerings (IPOs) and private placings – with little scope to participate in early-stage market opportunities.

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About Utshalo

What we do for you?

The equity market belongs to all – and investing should be everyone's business. Being able to invest in new companies that intend to list on the stock exchange, existing companies that want to raise additional capital, or innovative new financial products like Exchange Traded Notes or Actively Managed Certificates, should not be reserved for certain investors only.

Through Utshalo, we offer you access to investment opportunities – big and small – that allow you to build and grow your investment portfolio or to participate in a trading opportunity. Utshalo provides access to the regulatory information that will enable you to make a direct investment, through our online platform.

You will need a stockbroking account. We will get the details from you when you choose to participate in an opportunity.

If you don't have a stockbroking account you can open one with your bank or any of the other authorised JSE stockbrokers listed here or CTSE stockbrokers listed here.

This is all at no obligation or cost to you. No brokerage fees or hidden costs.

Note – Utshalo does not provide financial advice. The Utshalo service is paid for by the issuer and is offered at no cost to the investor.

How can you participate?

Simply complete our low friction sign up process to get the ball rolling.

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